Tradesman XDR was born out of a commitment from Tradesman Trucking to service its customers on a more in depth scale.
The XL concept of our Heavy Haul endeavors transitioned from just moving Heavy Equipment, and Construction Machinery to utilizing these to help provide for the installation of infrastructure, by processing and providing a concentration of Recycled Materials.
Tradesman XDR had its most basic roots in our founders' love of construction and construction machinery.
Mr.Garner , encouraged along by his wife, a multi business entrepreneur herself, sought ways to tie the trucking company further into its existing clients, especially those in the paper and forestry industry.
It began with 2 Case skid loaders gathering cardboard bales from local big box retailers.
From its beginning it quickly expanded into other areas of recycling, plastics, rubber, wood products (stumps and tree waste) and most prevalently aggregates (concrete, brick, block, asphalt). As the needs for more and more capital equipment to provide these services grew, so did Mr.Garner and his wife's vision for the company, and expansion of its offerings.
With a large and diverse fleet coupled with a small focused group of professionals with over 100 years of experience in Bulk Earth Moving and Infrastructure Utility Installation, Tradesman XDR is your go to choice for your next sitework project.
Our internal crew can handle from the small and simple to the large and complex projects with our unique network of vendor partnersWe specialize in civil projects, and our precision is bolstered by GPS machine Controls and Mapping saving time and resources.
Tradesman XDRs crews have the professionalism, and patience to perform surgical demolitions.
With waste being at a seemingly all time high, Tradesman XDR is doing its parr by reusing, repurposing, and eliminating many types of waste.
- Cardboard. Our trucks collect and recycle cardboardj waste at rates in excess of 25million pounds annually.
- Wood waste, our mulch, and chips are processed and hauled to provide Boiler Fuel and raw materials for the paper mills. lynchburg, Va our home area has 3 paper mills within a 30.minute drive.
- Aggregate Products
We are well equipped to demo, and recycle large quantities of Asphalt, Brick, Block and Concrete.
This material is sorted processed for size and sold or retained on construction site for beneficial use, often in lieu of quarried stone.